
On the participation of the Belarusian delegation in the meeting of the Working Group on the Patent Cooperation Treaty


On 18-22 June 2018, the 11th meeting of the Working Group on the Patent Cooperation Treaty was held at the headquarters of the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva.

For reference: The Patent Cooperation Treaty was concluded in 1970 and allows to provide patent protection of the invention in each of the Member countries of the Treaty by filing an appropriate “international” patent application.

Representatives of 68 Member states of the International Union of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, as well as intergovernmental organizations, participated in the meeting of the Working Group. The delegation of Belarus included Ms. Lizaveta Komar, the representative of the National Center for Intellectual Property.

During the event, a number of topical issues for Belarus were discussed, including on the procedural requirements of filing an “international” application for the protection of the invention, its implementation at the national level. Participants exchanged views and best practices on providing training for experts of patent offices. A special session was devoted to issues on joint activities with WIPO in providing technical assistance to developing countries under the Patetnt Cooperation Treaty.

The Belarusian delegation took an active part in the discussions on the payment policy under the Treaty, which aimed to stimulate the filing of patent applications from universities and specialized institutions.

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