
On the opening of the Belarusian exposition at the University of Geneva


On November 27, 2018, a permanent mini exposition dedicated to the history of Belarus, the formation of its statehood, literacy, language and literature was launched at the philological faculty of the University of Geneva.

The ceremony was attended by the Permanent Representative of Belarus in Geneva Mr. Yury Ambrazevich, director of the National Library of Belarus Mr. Roman Motulsky, representatives of the university administration, philological faculty and students.

During the event a facsimile copy of the first Belarusian “Bukvar” (“ABC”) was given as a national Belarusian gift to the library of the University of Geneva. “Bukvar” was published exactly 400 years ago, in 1618, in the town of Eve, which was not far from Vilnius (then a days the Grand Duchy of Lithuania).

Belarusian “Bukvar” of the 1618 is the first textbooks in the Slavic territories known as the “Bukvar” (“ABC”). Later the term came into dozens of languages. The textbook contained Slavic alphabet, grammar basics and had a great importance for the education sphere.

The main purpose of the event is to introduce as wide as possible to  foreign audiences, including people who are studying Slavic languages, our country – Belarus – as well as its culture, writing, literature. It was agreed to work together to establish long-term relations between academic circles of Belarus and Switzerland.

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