
Statement by Permanent Representative L.Belskaya during interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights Alena Douhan at the 57th HRC session


We welcome and thank Special Rapporteur Alena Douhan for her efforts to establish systematic monitoring and assessment of the impact of unilateral coercive measures, and practices of UCM overcompliance on the humanitarian situations and the enjoyment of human rights.

We appreciate the endeavors of the Special Rapporteur in collecting data. We believe that not only states, but also country teams, agencies and special institutions of the UN system (FAO, ILO, WHO, UNICEF, etc.) could play an important role in assessing the impact of UCMs on the ground.

What is the reason for the hesitation of UN bodies to participate in activities carried out under the mandate of the HRC? Do you receive support from OHCHR in establishing cooperation with other UN bodies?

The West is using UCM as tools of geopolitics and pressure on States for ideological reasons.

UCM have a devastating impact on the populations and business profits of not only the affected countries, but also the Western countries themselves.

UCM undermine human rights, violate international law, jeopardize principles of international cooperation and deepen the global crisis of mistrust.

By expanding secondary sanctions and enforcing overcompliance of their sanctions regimes, the Western elites seek to cut the external economic ties of target states, damage their key economic sectors and social systems, destabilize society, and force the political surrender of unwelcomed States and Governments.

How does such a policy comply with the commitments to achieving SDGs? Would the proponents of illegal sanctions be held accountable for disastrous consequences of their policies?

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