
Statement by Permanent Representative of Belarus L.Belskaya at a reception on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus and the 80th anniversary of liberation of Belarus



Distinguished guests, friends, colleagues,

Ladies and gentlemen!

It is a great pleasure and honour to welcome you at the reception on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus.

This year is marking 80th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders.

This Independence Day we are reminded of the unprecedented feat of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War.

On this holiday, Belarusians remember with special gratitude our liberators, representatives of all Soviet republics, as well as our allies of the anti-Nazi coalition from all over the world.

The Independence Day we are reminded of our ancestors who sacrifice their lives for freedom.

We cherish memory of victims of genocide, thousands of the Belarusian citizen, killed, tortured and burned alive by the Nazis.

For Belarusians memory of the Great Patriotic War had become an integral part of our national identity.

As President Lukashenko said, “Belarus knows what it means to be strong in the name of peace. This is our memory; this is our historical experience that has cost us a lot.

Unfortunately, today we live in a world where an armed conflict is raging next to our borders.

For us, Belarusians, as well as for our neighbors, peace is not an abstract. This is the most important value that needs to be achieved through peaceful negotiations as soon as possible and to be preserved for future generations.

Excellences, Dear guests,

Our citizens and compatriots today have enough to be proud of. Belarus has achieved a lot over the past 30 years as a newly independent state.

Sovereignty and statehood are our main assets.

The country is developing dynamically.

We are improving the model of political structure evolutionarily, in a balanced way, relying on the opinion of the majority of population, without abandoning our historical identity, as well as legacy of the best Soviet democratic traditions, complementing them with modern ones that correspond to the spirit of recent time and  our  national priorities.

Modern Belarus is home to more than 100 nationalities. Our society is built on the principles of patriotism and cohesion, cultural diversity, inter-ethnic and religious peace and harmony. We cordially welcome all those who come to us in peace.

The main goal of the economic policy is the people-centered development and better quality of life for Belarusian citizens.

Today, almost 60 percent of Belarusians consider themselves to be middle class. The real income of Belarusians is 10 times higher than 30 years ago.

Almost a million families have significantly improved their housing. Hundreds of thousands of apartments were built with governmental support.

We keep up and support free education at all levels from primary school to university.

Belarus holds a leading position on access to medical services for the population and is ranking 20th in the rate of the most comfortable countries for motherhood.

The Republic of Belarus has radically changed its social status. State policy of ensuring social and economic rights for all has become an important factor in the transition to a group of countries with a high level of human development where Belarus has been for more than 15 years.

The country has fully resolved the issues of food security and energy independence.

The Belarusian nuclear power plant is our strong brand, strengthening state sovereignty and stimulating innovative development. It contributes to improving the quality of life of people through the development of energy efficiency, electric transport, and significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Last but not list, Belarus is a space nation. The recent flight of the first Belarusian woman cosmonaut to ISS has become a new milestone in the national legacy of space exploration.

All this we have achieved due to the diligence and perseverance of our citizens, consistent state policies, as well as solidarity and cooperation with our allies, partners and many friends all over the world.

We will continue our progressive sovereign development despite the illegal unilateral coercive measures imposed by a certain group of countries to destroy our economy, to intimidate our people, to punish the Belarusian state for its independent policy.  

Belarus will do it and will survive because Belarussians know what it means to be strong for freedom and independence!

Excellences, ladies and gentlemen!

Belarus is a small country. We are realistic, pragmatic and predictable. We believe that the best way to safeguard the prosperity and wellbeing of our country and people is to be open; to follow the international law; to build mutually respectful dialogue and maintain mutually beneficial relations with countries, representing different cultures and civilizations, but united by the desire for peace and development.

Dear friends!

I would like to use this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who support our efforts in promoting a constructive cooperation, upholding and defending justice, principles of the UN Charter and true multilateralism.

We appreciate the valuable cooperation of our friends and partners from the United Nations Office and all international organizations in Geneva.

Thank you for sharing with us the joy of celebrating Independence Day of Belarus! Please join us in honoring our national anthem, the symbol of pride and unity of the Belarusian people.

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