
On January 26, 2025, the Belarusian people elected Aleksandr Lukashenko as President of the Republic of Belarus


Presidential elections were held in Belarus on January 26, 2025.

5 candidates competed for the presidency. 3 of them represented political parties S.Syrankov — the Communist Party, A.Gaidukevich — the Liberal Democratic Party, V.Khizhniak — the Republican Party of Labor and Justice. 2 independent candidates also ran for the presidency: A.Kanopatskaya and seeking re-election the incumbent president A.Lukashenko.

Aleksandr Lukashenko won the elections with 86.82% of the vote. The other candidates received between 1.74 and 3.21 per cent of the vote.

The Central Election Commission will publish the official results no later than February 5, 2025.

The President of Belarus was elected on the basis of an equal, direct and secret ballot.

In total, 85.7% of registered voters or 5.92 million people took part in the elections.

Almost 42% of voters exercised option of the early voting on 21-25 January.

The elections were conducted in full compliance with national legislation, in a smooth and peaceful manner which was confirmed by the national and international observers who noted the transparency and openness of electoral process, excellent organization of voting and free and inspiring atmosphere at polling stations.

The elections were observed by more than 44,000 national observers.

486 foreign observers included delegations representing the regional intergovernmental organizations of Eurasia  — the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation as well as the Pan-African Parliament, and also 112 independent individual observers from Austria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Georgia, Hungary, Japan, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, UAE, USA, Uzbekistan, Switzerland, Sweden and Vietnam.

More than 800 journalists, including 331 representing foreign media from 23 countries, covered the electoral process.

The Belarusians have made their choice based on political, economic and social priorities, traditions and values. According to exit polls, citizens expect the elected President to continue the policy of strengthening the security and international position of the Belarusian state, increasing the welfare of population and promoting economic and social development.

Any statements of non-recognition of the elections, including those made by some Western politicians and institutions, serve as a cover for their intentions of blatant interference in domestic affairs of Belarus, pressure on Belarusian voters, and distortion of the electoral processes of a sovereign state.

The election of the Head of State is the exclusive prerogative of the Belarusian people. The results of the presidential elections reflect the will of the people, their desire for peace, prosperity and stability, indicate a high level of trust in the policies of the country’s leadership.

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