
Statement by Permanent Representative L.Belskaya at the 57th session of Human Rights Council


We take note with interest of the global review presented by the esteemed High Commissioner.

A stable state, strong and responsible government are the key to successfully ensuring all human rights. Solidarity and cohesion within countries contribute to international stability and constructive cooperation.

However, in reality, certain Western countries are not interested in the stability and cohesion of those states whose policies do not fit into the geopolitical and economic interests of the West.

In the international context, for a group of Western countries “human rights” is a handy concept for interference in internal affairs undermining stability and destabilizing such states.

Here in the Council, absolutist approaches to human rights, the “us versus them” mentality in the form of resolutions and mandates, are typically used against Venezuela, Iran, China, Nicaragua, Russia, Zimbabwe and others, including my own country Belarus, against whom the West simultaneously spreads disinformation, imposes UCM, exerts political pressure, and incites internal conflicts directed against legitimate authorities.

The OHCHR should facilitate dialogue and understanding on the principle of sovereign equality of states, support governments’ efforts to ensure the well-being of society as a whole and the rights of individuals as part of this society.

Belarus, together with other countries, will continue to call on OHCHR not to prioritize exclusively the Western concept of human rights, to respect the diverse development paths and objectively assess the human rights situation in all countries, to pay equal attention to all rights, including the right to development, and respect the indivisibility and interdependence of human rights.

OHCHR should facilitate cooperation on the principle of sovereign equality of States, support the efforts of Governments to ensure the well-being of society as a whole and the rights of individuals as part of that society.

Strict adherence to its mandate and neutrality in its work are the basis for successful interaction between OHCHR and states as well as real progress in human rights on the ground.

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