Belarus’ priorities at the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly
21.07.2015 г.At the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly the delegation of Belarus will focus on the following areas and issues:
· we will continue to advance the concept of the diversity of ways towards progress and development as a value of mankind;
· Belarus will support efforts aimed at reinforcing the central role of the United Nations in global governance, including in the process of revitalization of the General Assembly and strengthening of the UN social and economic sector;
· we intend to vigorously advance the implementation of the “Global Partnership for Development”, a key partnership in the United Nations system, for the purpose of realizing the global development agenda built around the internationally agreed development goals;
· Belarus attaches overriding importance to the post-2015 United Nations development agenda with the Sustainable Development Goals at its core. In this context, Belarus will advocate measures aimed at effective implementation of this agenda, including through adequate international assistance to deliver on the SDGs;
· we see the need to reflect in relevant development-oriented resolutions the extent of impact produced by multiple and interrelated factors like compliance with the commitments for development, in particular in terms of international financing, food production, access to energy, transfer of technologies, climate change, HIV/AIDS on the state of global, regional, as well as national development, thereby generating input to various strategies to tackle these interconnected challenges;
· we will continue to attach particular significance to the need to enhance UN system-wide cooperation with middle-income countries;
· we will continue to advocate the idea of global partnerships that bring together all international stakeholders – states, international intergovernmental organizations, global civil society and private sector – in a common effort against specific transnational threats and challenges;
· in this context, Belarus will continue to address in a comprehensive manner the issue of human trafficking in its various forms, including by submitting a resolution on this subject;
· Belarus will continue to promote constructive dialogue on human rights with equal attention to all categories of rights, including social and economic as well as civil and political rights. To this end, Belarus will pay particular attention to the activities and reports of appropriate UN human rights organs and mechanisms;
· Belarus will work with interested Member States with the view to ensuring respect for international law, strengthening the rule of law at the international level as well as international human rights law;
· we will strongly oppose country-specific resolutions on the situation of human rights, which, in our firm belief, have nothing to do with human rights, but rather stand as a tool invoked by some countries to advance their own political and economic interests against other countries. Belarus will work with all those interested to promote basic rights of children and women;
· we will continue to advocate proper addressing by the UN system of the needs of the family, its role as a contributor to sustainable development and urge greater efforts to protect the family as a natural and fundamental group unit of society;
· Belarus will actively work with interested Member States to ensure dignified commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations in the aftermath of World War II;
· in the run-up to the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster that will be commemorated in April 2016, Belarus together with UNDP and interested partners will work towards elaboration of a new strategy for post-2016 international Chernobyl cooperation. Such strategy should address long-term recovery challenges of the affected areas and contribute to preservation and dissemination of the unique post-Chernobyl experience for the benefit of disaster prevention, response and recovery;
· as a country that voluntary renounced nuclear weapons that it had possessed, Belarus will continue to be actively involved in the issues of international security, non-proliferation and disarmament, including through participation in the work of the UNGA First Committee to use its machinery for contributing to the ultimate goal of creating a world free of weapons of mass destruction;
· we intend to advocate enhanced patterns of UN co-operation with regional organizations, in particular, between the United Nations and the Eurasian Economic Union of which Belarus holds presidency in 2015, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). In particular, during the upcoming session we intend to sponsor a draft UNGA resolution titled “Observer status for the Eurasian Economic Union in the General Assembly”.